Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Director of Education & Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of proposals to reorganise primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form provision in the greater Pontypridd area, following the Cabinet decision on the 3rd October, 2018.
Members were referred to the appendix of the report which provided detailed information regarding the consultation process that was undertaken with the relevant stakeholders, including the rationale behind the proposals, which for the benefit of the Members the Director provided detail on at the meeting. The Director also confirmed that details of all of the consultation feedback had also been made available to the Cabinet Members from the 1st March, to ensure Members had sufficient time to review the detailed consultation responses received.
The Director informed the Cabinet Members that following the consultation period all the proposals had been revisited and the impact of the proposals on the quality and standards of education, the community, and transport arrangements, had been reassessed.
The Director advised that following the consultation it was proposed that all of the original proposals be taken forward apart from the proposal in respect of Gwauncelyn School catchment area. The Director recommended to Cabinet that the catchment area for Gwauncelyn Primary School remains within the Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School catchment area and does not transfer to the new 3-16 school for Hawthorn. She advised that since the consultation commenced in October 2018, the large brownfield site at Llanillid, Llanharan has been purchased by two major developers and the Council has entered into site master planning with the developers, to provide pre-planning advice and guidance. For the site to be developed, a new secondary school would be required, which, would have an impact on a number of other schools as the new housing development grows. Furthermore, the Council’s Local Development Plan would need to be reviewed in 2021, or an equivalent plan developed
Members were advised that if the proposals outlined within the report did proceed, it was proposed that £37.4 million be invested in building new or refurbishing / remodelling existing buildings to ensure that the pupils of Rhondda Cynon Taf have a high quality, viable and sustainable 21st Century learning environment.
The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning thanked the Director, her staff and the consultation team for the work undertaken in respect of the consultation. She thanked all those that responded to the consultation for the feedback, including the work undertaken by the Children & young People Scrutiny Committee and the additional meetings that were provided to assist in discussions regarding the proposals. The Cabinet Member commented that it was disappointing to note that 47% of the responses had been provided on a modified template from the original, which therefore did not provide the full views that needed to be captured adding that 109 of these forms were duplicates with different signatures, however she added that all had still been considered as part of the process.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Director and her team for the early sight of the consultation responses from the 1st March, which provided Cabinet Members the additional time needed to review the proposals and reflect on the responses.
The Cabinet Member responsible for the Welsh Language commented on the proposals adding that the investment if taken forward would provide a clear opportunity to grow the welsh language provision within the County Borough and assist with achieving the Welsh Government target of increasing the number of welsh speakers by 2050.
The Leader welcomed the following County Boroughs to address the Committee in respect of the proposals:
County Borough Councillor S Belzak, L Hooper, J Brencher, H Fychan, M Powell, S Pickering and L Walker.
Following the Councillors comments the Leader welcomed the following members of the public who spoke on the item:
Mrs E Haf, Ms L Chinnock-Davies, Ms L Williams, Ms C King, Mr E Mead, Ms J Warner, Ms K Bury, Ms S Churchill & Mr. J Beynon.
The Director, Education & Inclusion services responded to the comments made by both County Borough Councillors and the members of the public, advising that the proposed investment of £37.4 million would improve the quality of education provided within the County Borough for the future of the young people, adding that the rationale behind all of the proposals, as outlined within the report was compelling when looking at the data available. The Director commented on issues of sustainability adding that the current situation with deficit budgets would continue if changes were not considered. The Director also spoke of the priority in investing in Welsh medium provision across the County Borough and addressed the transport issues that had also been highlighted. The Director concluded by stating that the wellbeing of learners was paramount and it was essential that the needs of learners were met, which could only be achieved through quality investment.
The Deputy Leader thanked all of the Members and the public for their valuable contributions to the meeting and commented that no objections to the proposal had been received from parents of Heol -y-Celyn primary School. The Deputy Leader sought further clarification from the highways officer in respect of the proposed journey for students at the YGG Pontsionnorton to which the officer clarified.
The Cabinet for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services also clarified with the highways officer the transport provision for those students seeking 6th form provision and those students who could potentially choose to attend YGG Abercynon Primary School rather than the proposed Heol–Y-Celyn. The Highways Officer added that in respect of 6th form provision, this would be provided beyond a 2mile radius and that in respect of primary schools, transport would be provided to the nearest school or catchment school by a 1.5mile radius, adding that those parents choosing to send their children to YGG Abercynon Primary from YGG Pontsionnorton would be provided transport to either of the schools.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services queried what process were in place to ensure road safety provision and any mitigating factors taken into consideration to alleviate an additional traffic. The Highways officer advised that the normal processes would be taken forward with a transport assessment and safe route assessment, which would all be undertaken before a school was opened.
The Leader confirmed with the Director of Education & Inclusion Services that there were currently surplus places with both YGG Abercynon Primary School and YGG Evan James.
The Cabinet Member for Welsh Language reflected on a decision taken by the Council in respect of the changes and investment in YG Llanhari and Ysgol Garth Olwg and the worry of the public at the time, agreeing that change was never easy, however he commented on the benefits now being witnessed and reiterated the need to invest in new facilities.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke that in his view the proposals outlined within the report were taking education forward and in the right direction and commented on the success of other 3-16 school provision witnessed across the County Borough. He added that it was important that the Council ensure that the facilities available to young learners was fit for purpose, with better facilities and learning environments being provided. He added that he appreciated the reservations held by some parents to the proposals in respect the transition but added that he felt the proposals was moving education in the right direction.
The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services clarified the Councils position in respect of the accountability of Coleg y Cymoedd. The Chief Executive advised that as a Board Member this was viewed very seriously, commenting on the recent positive Estyn inspection held at the College. The Leader also commented on this aspect, adding that due to a difference in data collection the performance of the college could not be compared to those of 6th form provision, due to a difference in the measures used to calculate the performance.
The Leader also took the opportunity to clarify the Council’s Welsh education strategy provision and the Director confirmed that significant focus had been placed on the need to increase the provision across the County Borough and the significant commitment to invest £60million adding that the Council were being proactive with their developments.
The Cabinet Member for Children Services enquired over the transition and support available for all involved and the Director for Education commented on the strengthened links at school cluster level which helped bring teachers together and improve consistency in policy and practice
The Cabinet Member for Education, again reiterated her thanks for all the comments made and the clarification by officers into a number of the issues raised at the meeting. She added that from listening to the comments it was clear that all had involved wanted the same outcome for the young learners of the County Borough and that was to ensure quality education was provided. The Cabinet Member commented that to provide such quality, investment in provision and resources was essential. She added that things could no longer remain static and referred to the surplus places within 6th form provision and the deficit budgets being carried forward by schools which was unsustainable. She commented on the 3-16 education provisions and the benefits witnessed with removal of any transition period and commented on other 3-16 provisions across the County Borough which had seen significant improvements.
The Cabinet Member commented on the proposed investment into Welsh medium education and the provision of brand new facilitates.
The Cabinet member also agreed with the proposal to not take forward the changes to the catchment area of Gwauncelyn for the reasons identified within the report.
The Cabinet Member concluded that taking on board everyone’s comments and the robust and detailed report before Members she moved the recommendations outlined within the report.
1. To note the information contained within the Consultation Report, which includes details of items of correspondence received during the consultation exercise and notes of the various meetings held.
2. To consider the contents of the attached Consultation report and note its publication and distribution to the relevant stakeholders as required by the Welsh Government School Organisation Code.
3. That following consideration of the outcomes of the consultation, including the Equalities Impact Assessment, Community Impact Assessment and Welsh Language Impact Assessment, to progress the proposals to the next stage of the review process by:
i. Agreeing to publish the Consultation Report: AND
ii. Issuing appropriate Statutory Notices after the Consultation Report is published.
4. To amend the proposals in relation to catchment changes such that there will be no change to the catchment area of Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School.
· Following conclusion of the item County Borough Councillor M Powell, queried the Call In process and the Legal Officer confirmed that any or all of the recommendations could be taken forward for Call In.
· At the conclusion of this item the following County Boroughs left the meeting H Fychan, M Diamond, L Walker, S Belzak, M Powell, S Pickering.
· A number of declarations pertaining to this item were made at the meeting to which minute number 133 refers
Publication date: 21/03/2019
Date of decision: 21/03/2019
Decided at meeting: 21/03/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/03/2019
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