Decision details

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Welsh Language Services Manager provided the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee witha copyof theDraft Welsh LanguageStandards AnnualReport 2023 – 2024.


Members’ attention was drawn to the draft report, which was attached at Appendix 1. The report covered the eighth full year of the implementation of the standards from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and it was noted that a final report must bepublished onthe Council’swebsite andmade availablein eachof the Council’s offices that are open to the public no later than 30 June2024.


The officer referred Members to section 5 of the report, which detailed the current position, and it was noted that despite the financial pressures facing the Council and resulting service changes, therehad beencontinual successes in Welsh language compliance. It was also pleasing to note that feedback from the Welsh Language Commissioner during the Council’s annual meeting with their Standards Setting and Compliance Officer held in Quarter 3 2023-2024, continued to be very positive in respect of the progress made in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The officer referred Members to section 5.4 of the report, which detailed the following areas for improvement:

·       The continuing need to increase the number of Welsh speaking staff;

·       Effective monitoring of any mitigating actions noted in any statutory Welsh Language Impact Assessments;

·       Effective scrutiny of the partnership elements of the 5 Year Strategy for the Promotion of the Welsh Language; and

·       Continuous training and awareness regarding Welsh Language Standards.


The Chair spoke positive of the Annual Report and commented that it evidenced compliance across the Council. The Chair was particularly pleased to note that 552 staff had undertaken the Bitesize sessions and that 94 members of staff, including Elected Members had begun learning the language with the support of the Council’s Tutor. The Chair noted the areas for improvement and that there were challenges around recruitment but praised the Council for its innovative strategy with developments such as the Welsh Language Guaranteed Interview Scheme.  


The Deputy Leader was pleased to note the content of the report and the Council’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards and suggested that it would be beneficial for the Overview and Scrutiny to have sight of it. In terms of the complaints identified in section 14 of the draft Annual Report, the Deputy Leader was satisfied that the issues could be easily rectified. The Deputy Leader echoed the Chair’s comments in relation to the positive take up of Bitesize sessions by staff and Members of the Council and advised that she would also be taking part to improve her language skills in readiness for the Eisteddfod.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was pleased with the content of the Annual Report and added that the Welsh Language was now embedded across the Council’s new Corporate Plan.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.             To note the content of the draft report;

2.             To approve the draft report in order for a final version to be published on Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s website, and approve the distribution of the final report to eachof theauthority’s officesthat areopen tothe publicby nolater than 30 June 2024; and

3.             To approvearrangements forpublicising thefact thatthe final annual reporthas been published.


Publication date: 07/05/2024

Date of decision: 07/05/2024

Decided at meeting: 07/05/2024 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Effective from: 11/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: