Decision details

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director of Corporate Estates and the Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction provided the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with details of the work underway on the development of renewable energy projects and certain other Carbon Reduction related issues. 


The following projects were highlighted to Members, outlining the successes and future works required with key updates being provided from the contents of the report:

-          6MW Solar Farm Installation;

-          Hydro Electricity Prospects;

-          Carbon Reduction Programme;

-          Geo-Thermal Technology;

-          Amgen Developments (Nant y Gwyddon wind turbine and Bryn Pica site); and

-          Local Area Energy Plan (or LAEP).

The Chair spoke positive of the vast amount of work put into each project listed in the report before Members, which would make a significant contribution to the Council achieving its Carbon targets.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity echoed the Chair’s comments, noting the various projects underway and in the pipeline.


The Cabinet Member noted from the report that the Council was previously successful in obtaining two grid connections from NG in pursuit of its aspirations to generate renewable energy, the first option for 4.2MW at 11kV and a second for 6MW at 33kV; and that discussions had been underway, for some time, with several developers who have plans to construct wind turbines on land adjoining to that owned by the Council. The Cabinet Member sought further information on the viability of the connections. The Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction advised that the 4.2MW connection in Abergoki had weight loss charges that meant that the project was not viable to the Council and as such, the offer was novated to a ‘national’ developer to enable them to realise the full potential of their adjacent site. The officer advised that the Council had a guaranteed 2.5% stake in the project, with the option of buying back into the scheme in the future. In respect of the 6MW connection and the significant increase in the latest estimate applied by NGED, the officer informed the Sub-Committee that this was a result of cost of living and inflationary pressures in the market. Due to the considerable increase in cost, the potential viability of the project would need to be reassessed and as such, early discussions were underway with a local company looking to develop a windfarm adjacent to the site to establish if there were any partnership opportunities.


The Director added that a lot of due diligence and feasibility studies are put into each project, but unfortunately, it sometimes gets to the point where the Council must look at alternative options with the grid connection. The Director explained that the grid connection is applied for as a starting point to ensure a concept could work, but that there is a long waiting list of up to five years for spare capacity. The Director assured the Sub-Committee that the Council would make best use of the grid connections secured with the various projects.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure was pleased to note the exciting and innovative projects listed within section 5 of the report and queried if it would be possible to link with schools and community groups to involve young people in some of the projects going forward. The Service Director of 21st Century Schools and Transformation echoed the Cabinet Member’s comment and advised that schools would welcome involvement, particularly with the hydro projects. The officer advised that secondary schools would be particularly active in such projects and that STEM is part of the new curriculum for Wales.


One Member questioned where, if any, the spare grid capacity in RCT was located, to which the Director confirmed there was none available. It was explained that the Council could currently only apply and get confirmation of anything under 1MW, which was where the smaller scale hydro schemes were of benefit.


The Member also questioned if the solar farm in Tyla Garw, Pontyclun had been included in RCT’s offset of carbon. The Director informed the Member that Tyla Garw might be accounted for as part of the Local Area Energy Plan for the County Borough rather than the Council.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the contents of the update report as part of the ongoing work of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee; and

2.    To agree to receive further reports during 2024 and 2025, providing updates on progress within key areas.


Publication date: 07/03/2024

Date of decision: 07/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Effective from: 13/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: